

员工焦点:Steve Szwec



职称: 资讯系统专员
地点: 维罗纳运营中心
任职期间: 2年
简要描述一下你从事的农业工作. When I was young, I moved to a small town in Georgia to live with my father. It was a large lifestyle change as I moved from a big city in south Florida to a farm in a small town. I learned how to care for animals and had other responsibilities and chores. I also learned the value of agriculture in what it provides for families and communities.
你参加过什么俱乐部或组织吗? 如果有,请简要说明. I am a coach for a youth soccer league through the Soccer Organization Charlottesville Area (SOCA). I have also been an active volunteer for many different organizations such as the USMC Toys for Tots, Wounded Warrior Project and as a distant learning mentor for low income students. I was awarded the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal for my volunteer work during my active duty service.
What is the best piece of advice you received growing up? One lesson that has stuck with me from my youth is "Never present a problem without first being prepared to offer a solution." It makes you stop and think "If someone were to come to me with this issue, how would I solve it?" which allows you to develop analytical and problem solving skills while looking at every day challenges that may seem daunting at first, 但要证明你是有能力克服的.
跟体育彩票外围平台说说你的宠物吧. 我有一只两岁的暹罗猫,名叫露娜. She is a rescue that I adopted and she is a very vocal lady!
你最喜欢的个人咒语或座右铭是什么? Often times it is easy to do just enough in your everyday life, so I like to remind myself that I should strive to "Set the standard by setting the example." This motto has allowed me to do my very best, even when I don't have to. We never know who is watching and how we could be a positive influence on others through our actions.
你最喜欢的电影是什么? 我最喜欢的电影是《体育彩票外围平台》. I come from a Scottish background and really enjoy the period. It’s also a great look into the history of one of Scotland's greatest folk heroes!
你梦想的度假目的地是哪里? 我梦想中的假期是背包游英国, starting in the highlands of Scotland exploring castles, 最后在伦敦的一家小咖啡馆享用茶点.
你的第一份工作是什么? My first job was working at a pizza place in my hometown.
你最喜欢农业信贷的哪一点? 我最喜欢农场信贷的地方是它的文化. 你可以告诉这里的每个人, 在很大程度上, 他们中有人从事农业吗, 或者真的很喜欢. The culture here reminds me of good old-fashioned farmer hospitality and is both welcoming and supportive. 他们说当你热爱你所做的事, it stops becoming work and I don’t think any of the people I’ve met here have worked a day!
你最喜欢的周末活动是什么? I enjoy spending time with family, riding my motorcycle and being a bit of a nerd.

2023年11月, to honor 弗吉尼亚农业信贷' team members with military backgrounds, we asked veteran employees to answer questions specific to their experience in the military. We're proud to employee a number of individuals who have bravely served our country and we value the impact their military experience brings to their current role at Farm Credit.

你在哪个部门服役,服役多久了? 我曾在美国服役.S. 在海军陆战队服役四年.
你在服役期间住在哪里? I was stationed at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, but spent most of my time deployed to Iraq. I was deployed all over the Multi-National Forces West region, 包括哈迪塞大坝, 费卢杰和拉瓦. 
培训后你的主要工作专长是什么? My main MOS (military occupational specialty) was Infantry. I held a special billet as a Surveillance Sensor Operator with the 2nd Intelligence Battalion.
你为什么选择你的体育彩票正规app下载部门? I chose the Marines because they were the elite, best of the branches. 另外,他们有最好看的制服. 
是什么促使你参军的? The events of September 11, 2001 motivated me to join the military.
Having served yourself, what do you appreciate most about the military? 军队提供结构和纪律. 核心价值, leadership and skills are second to none and create not just great service members, 同时也是伟大的公民.
How does your military experience impact your role here at Farm Credit? Service in the military teaches you to problem solve quickly and creatively, while being able to adapt to changing situations and work well within a team. All of this has allowed me to perform in my role here at Farm Credit from day one as a productive member of the IT team while engaging and inserting myself where needed in other areas.
Tell us about some of the special and/or impactful people you met during your time in the service. 在我被部署支持OIF期间, I had the opportunity to meet the Commandant of the Marine Corps, 一般Hagee, who visited us on a small forward operating base in Iraq and shared a meal with us while we all traded war stories. It was amazing to see the top leadership risk his life to visit the Marines on the front lines and share the harsh reality of war with us. 那是一个我永远不会忘记的时刻, and 一般Hagee was one of the most inspiring leaders I have ever met.
What are you most proud of from your time in the service? I am most proud of the bonds of brotherhood that I forged during my time in service, and the opportunity to serve my country during a time of war.

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